Taekwondo Competence Center Friedrichshafen | TCC | adidas Testcenter
Taekwondo Competence Center Friedrichshafen


Slavi Binev

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments
Member of the European Parliament

Vice-President and Member of the Bureau of the Group "Europe of Freedom and Democracy"

Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Substitute Member of the Committee on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering

Vice-President of the Committee on Energy and Environment in the Euro-Latin American Assembly

Hier geht es zum Europaabgeordneten Slavi Binev

Taekwondo Competence Center, Brussels, 2013-06-14

Dear Mr. Kohlöffel,

I am proud to bring my “Patronage” to the “Taekwondo Competence Center Project” in Friedrichshafen.

As a politician and as a former sportsman I will always support any initiative that promotes sports especially among the young sportsmen and women. Sport provides a huge opportunity for mass contact and has a unique capacity to unite people, free of ethnic, religious or social differences.

I would like to officially declare my willingness to assume full patronage over this initiative and would like to participate in its realization with all my opportunities, as a person and as a politician.

I remain entirely at your disposal.

Sincerely yours,

Slavi Binev

Sprache wählen: german

Zahlreiche Ehrengäste finden den Weg in die Bodenseeschulsporthalle

Zum Sonntagnachmittagstraining des int. Wintercamps des TCC Friedrichshafen fanden sich zahlreiche Ehrengäste ein.


Wintercamp ist gestartet

Über 100 Sportler*innen aus 15 Nationen trainieren derzeit in der Sporthalle der Bodenseeschule im Rahmen des internationalen Wintercamps des TCC Friedrichshafen vom 01. bis 06. Januar 2025.


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