Taekwondo Competence Center Friedrichshafen | TCC | adidas Testcenter
Taekwondo Competence Center Friedrichshafen

The Taekwondo Competence Center (TCC) Friedrichshafen

From the idea to the reality...
Welcome to the TCC Friedrichshafen!

The time has come: In the end of 2012 the Taekwondo Competence Center Friedrichshafen accrues.

Project overview

  • High-performance and training center in the area of sports and business.
  • Federal base and top-class sports center with boarding school.
  • Using the potential of sports for social inclusion, integration and equal opportunities.
  • Better protection and fight against racism and violence.
  • Cooperation with institutions of the Member States of the European Union.

TCC Friedrichshafen

  • Striving for a recognition as a Regional Training Center of the World Taekwondo Federation.
  • Official Training and Education Center of the European Taekwondo Union.
  • Outpost of the Olympic Training Center in Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Federal base of the German Taekwondo Union.
  • Regional top-class sports center of the Taekwondo Union Baden-Wuerttemberg.
  • Competition and training facility of the BSV Friedrichshafen.

BSV Friedrichshafen, Taekwondo section

  • 5th Place Olympic Games 2008.
  • 9 world championship medals.
Two world titles.
  • 14 European championship medals.
3 European titles.
  • 80 German championship titles.
  • 2-times winner of the "Green Strap of exemplary talent encouragement in the club“.

TCC / BSV Friedrichshafen

  • High-performance sports.
  • Performance sports.
  • Talent and young athletes promotion.
  • Full- and part-time boarding school.
  • School collaborations.
  • Leisure sports.
  • Police sports.
  • Disabled sports.
  • Anti-aggression training.
  • Coolness training.
  • Integration of children, adolescents and adults with migration background or socially disadvantaged families.
  • Product optimization for manufacturers of sports equipment.
Official test center of the adidas group.

Social concept of the TCC Friedrichshafen

  • Training / education in the area of violence prevention.
  • Anti-aggression training in the area of resocialization of socially conspicuous people / vulnerable young people.
  • Cooperation in law enforcement by anti-aggression training and social rehabilitation.
  • Courses for schools and kindergartens in the area of ​​anti-aggression and coolness training.
  • Violence prevention in schools.
  • Self-assertion and self-defense classes for abuse victims.
  • Self-defense for people with disabilities, the elderly and for girls and women.

TCC project partners

  • Excellence university of Konstanz.
Institute for high-performance sports and sports diagnostics of Friedrichshafen.
  • Social services in Europe.
  • Institute for social work and social pedagogy.
  • Clinical center of Friedrichshafen.
  • Office for physiotherapy and sports physiotherapy Thomas Brombacher.

Promoting the attractiveness of Friedrichshafen

  • Site development.
  • World- and Europe-wide increase of the visibility of the city of Friedrichshafen.
  • Tourism.
  • Economic and industrial development.
  • Social, health and education system.

The Taekwondo Competence Center (TCC) Friedrichshafen

... combines sports-scientific, innovative know-how in theory and practice, connects science, research and sports-practical work on highest level.

Olympic medalists pool

  • International academy for top athletes of Olympic federations of the World Taekwondo Federation.
  • Taekwondo boarding school for national top athletes of the German Taekwondo Union.
  • International training, course and skill site.

Research and developing center

  • Research and development of training and competition means in cooperation with the sports-scientific area of the university of Constance.
  • "Official Olympia Research Center of the European Taekwondo Union".
  • Sports product optimization and development.
Sprache wählen: german

Gold - Silber - Bronze bei Slovenia Open in Ljubljana

Beim G1-Weltranglistenturnier in Ljubljana, Slowenien, den Slovenia Open, erkämpfte der BSV Friedrichshafen die komplette Medaillenfarbpalette.


Boris Winkler beim TUBW-Winterlehrgang

Der Landestrainer der Taekwondo Union Baden-Württemberg (TUBW) und seit 01.01.2025 Technische Direktor des luxemburgischen Taekwondoverbands, Boris Winkler vom BSV Friedrichshafen, gab im Rahmen des zweiten TUBW-Winterlehrgangs in Bruchsal sein Wissen an wettkampfinteressierte TUBW-Sportler*innen …


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